Membership Availability & Cost

Availability of New Memberships

There are currently NO NEW memberships for sale by the Club.

Availability of Existing Memberships for Transfer

From time to time existing Members do decide to move on from club. Contact details of existing Members currently wishing to sell their memberships are shown below:

First Name Surname Email address
None available

If you are keen to pursue a membership at Trapdoor Ski Club, please contact them directly to discuss possible transfers.

Please note that transfers of Membership transfers will only be approved if submitted to the Club Secretary in accordance with the Constitution.

Cost of Membership

The Club does not have a current set price for the sale of new memberships, as there are none currently available. The sale price of the transfer of an existing membership is to be agreed between the seller and purchaser. The Club does not play any role in the negotiation process and makes no representation as to the value of the membership.
